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Business Lunch Milan – June 2016

This month’s speaker was Daniele Mancini, entrepreneur and ex-CEO of Daniele guided us through the transformation of the real estate listings business from the traditional local agent’s window and brochure-websites to the digital listings-portal business, now dominated in Italy by only 1 or 2 players. The business continues to transform with wider services being offered and planned, making life easier for consumers to find many house-related products and services online.

Daniele has since created his own brand, the Go Next Group, and plans to expand his entrepreneurial activities in several markets throughout the world, utilising his extensive contacts and unique experience in the digital space, particularly in marketing, media and property. We thank Daniele for bringing his insight and sharing candidly his business experience and successes, in both large (and smaller) business. We look forward to seeing him and all of you again at our future lunches, where our guests are always unique, insightful and usually there’s a pleasant surprise.


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